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Pastoral Support

Family Support at St. Wilfrid's

As a school, we recognise the need to support all parents and carers, so that they are in the best possible position to help their children engage with their learning. With this in mind, we have assembled a team of professionals who are available to speak to and support parents, where issues arise.

Ms T. Cropper

Family Support Worker

With a motivational, persistent and challenging approach to support families using Early Help Assessment (EHA) and Our Family Plan (OFP), I work together with school and families with agreed actions to improve school attendance and family life, enabling children to develop and achieve their full potential, both socially and academically.
In my role I do home visits, support parents with behaviour management strategies - boundaries, routines, rewards, application for household needs (white goods), liaise with social workers, housing and CME and meet with parents in school as and when needed.

I am also involved with coffee mornings where we enjoy meeting parents to discuss issues which are often things that are faced by many in today's society. Everyone is welcome to drop in for a chat. Look out for the next one to be held at St Wilfrid's.

Miss S. Donald

Pastoral Manager

For all things pastoral, I may be your first port of call. If your concern is about your child, please speak to their class teacher first. Whilst they are usually able to put something in place for support, they may work in collaboration with me if there is a need for further support. If your worry is about you or your family, or difficulties at home in general, speak directly to me. I am n school every day, and can either be found on the school gate in the morning or in school - ask at the office or give me a call on the school number and I will be able to get back to you at my first available opportunity. .

I am also one of our school Designated Safeguarding Leads, so can be your first port of call for any safeguarding concerns and may also be in touch with you regarding any safeguarding issues.

Ms. R. Ovia

Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner

My role involves: -
1- listening to children and supporting them to manage their feelings and behaviour in healthy and appropriate ways.
2- helping school staff recognise and understand when children are experiencing emotional and mental health difficulties, and providing consultation, assessment, and interventions

Ms M. Stephens

School Attendance Officer

I monitor all pupils attendance. If there are any attendance issues or concerns, I invite parent or carers in to see me to try and resolve the attendance issues and concerns.

I can provide support for parents regarding any attendance issues. If attendance does not improve and parents do not engage which enables their child to attend school on a regular basis, paperwork is prepared and notifications are sent to parents. The local authority may issue a penalty notice.